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  • AutorenbildAlex

What our clients say
. 😊

„This morning went well. I got a nice trout right below the falls, I then missed a salmon stripping a sunray, and spent a bit casting at a pair of salmon. After that the weather got nasty and continued to get nastier. I called it at around 4:30.

I appreciate all the work you put in to make this happen. You were by far the most responsive and easiest to talk to out of everyone I tried contacting at the beginning of this process. When I come back all will certainly be getting in touch.

If you ever make it to the west coast in the states, let me know. It would be my pleasure to row you down a steelhead river.“


„Hi Alex

The hotel was great

The guiding was great

The fishing was fantastic.



“An insane trip has come to an end. I caught 33 salmon in six days, my friend Dennis Fehling another 10. Big thanks to,

Boss of all bosses Kristinn Kristinn VeiĂ°a Ingolfs

as well as to „Wolverine“ Alexander Wolff

for their big support!”

We say thank you to our clients and hopefully we can say "Welcome back to 🇼🇾!"

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